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More Cilantro


Scottsdale, AZ Sep 28th-Oct 1, 2023

50th birthday celebration with the boys, the boys that I have been friends with for 35 years and known some of them for 40. It was decided to take a trip to the desert to enjoy food, drink, laughs, golf and anything else under the sun. Lots of sun, lots of hot sun, like 38° C. I have been lucky to enjoy so many places with my friends and family, but never have I been to the AZ desert and man was it beautiful. The beauty lies in the natural topography of the land, the ease of travel to and from, the laid back atmosphere that we encountered and also that it was new. The real beauty though was being together, all of us and for a longer period of time. We have been together at stags, weddings, maybe weekends away in smaller groups, but 9 of us together for 4 nights and 4 days, who knew what was to come. Should be noted that there were a few who unfortunately couldn't make it even. We missed you WH & RP. We are a big group, a big group of friends who care about each other, care about what makes each other tick, and care about making sure the laughing is out of control, contagious and bringing out the best in each other. A group like this is unique, 10 or 12 who are still in touch with each other from middle school at least, and some from from primary school. The excitement started in the planning, the emails, the banter, and I could anticipate and visualize as to how the weekend would play out, what I couldn't anticipate is the level in which it happens. It happened, of course. The goal, as always, is to one up the level of laughter, take it to the max and to continue it as long as you can. It's also a challenge that I love to be a part of, to get something in that sends it over the edge. The amount of belly laughs, and the ability to make each other bust out, whether it be reminiscing about the other kids we goofed on - including me especially after they read this blog - the stupid stuff we did and do, or just plain old fashioned silliness. Kudos always to MK for bringing it up to 11, ZA and SS for contributing as beautifully. As boys do, we laughed about anything and everything, there was nothing off the table and really special, so special that we are going to do it again sooner than later. Maybe next year for my 50th. Yes, I am a year younger than these old farts, but not a day goes by that I am not grateful and appreciative to have found them. I feel they would say the same about me, and one more beautiful part is we are still learning about each other. I learnt most of them hate cilantro. What's with that? PPPPFFFFTT!


A big house in Scottsdale rented through a company who also organized the golf for us. 6 bedrooms, mostly with 2 queen beds and a little casita out back that slept our leader and main organizer, Julie McCoy. She was awesome! JS, great work! I roomed with BS, and he was a pleasure, until the deep snoring started. Luckily I had some ear plugs that we got from the gun range. The kitchen was bountiful and there were not only 3 seating areas inside to lounge about in, but also a few poolside. And TV's, not even sure how many, I lost count at the 5 on the main floor, I think 1 also in every bedroom. The billiards table was under used but fun at points. The pool was not so brisk at 85° but still refreshing. The hot tub was a mechayeh after golf and the property had plenty of other land to mess about on, for cornholio and other shenanigans.


Sealy Plush Eurotop - S&F Estate, SearsOPedic, a classic and the no name memory foam

Lots of them. We arrive at the house and I immediately start poking around. There was a room off to the side of the house that I knew would be right for me. Tucked around a corner away from the hooplah and had a quick lay down on the mattress and soft! Heaven, memory foam and just what the ol' achy breaky bones needed. It somewhat backfired on me as I didn't realize how creaky the box spring was. I mean creaky, rickety and as old as me. The saving grace is that it offset the noise coming from my roomy. (lucky again I had the earplugs) Later when I went to check everyone else's bed, I soon realized it was the right choice. Too firm, too mushy, too old, too bouncy - there was a smattering of old pillowtops everywhere. The one room however did house the Stearns and Foster Estate collection which I sell quite a bit of. Mine was a no name, probably a bed in a box, it did the trick for 4 nights and was quite comfy. You never know what you are going to get with a mattress in a box, sometimes it's half decent, good quality, most of them are Jack though. Poorer quality foams that don't hold your body or offer any support with them. I got lucky, not with BS though.


Not a lot of it but sound. Golf was early, ATV and gun range were early - a few naps here and there. Lots of consumption and sun and heat, dryness provided a clean night with no interruptions. Even after golfing and riding the 4 wheeler hard, there were no achy bones. When I asked the boys how they all slept, there was a mish mash of "terrible, the mattress is so soft" to "like a baby". Goes to show you never can tell. The toughest part of my industry is the personal take on how people sleep. Creatures of comfort we are, and if the mattresses are unlike what one is used to, then it can really throw you off.


JM was a monster in organizing the food and the prearranged chef for 1 night and 2 great dinners out. MC was masterful in arranging some plans after dinner, and thrilled to have had AB in for a few nights after a previous engaygement that he had to attend prior. AB, you deserve that award. Thanks to MK who rented this awesome bike with a sidecar, and showed me how to ride and ride we did! Around the block a few times.

GREAT RELATED LINKS There are so many these days. Why wouldn't there be bed in a box . com

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Lorraine Lawson
Lorraine Lawson
15. Nov. 2023
Mit 5 von 5 Sternen bewertet.

Looks like so much fun!!

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